Gerrit Niehaus celebrates operatic birthday

Gerrit Niehaus and his beautiful wife Anselma.
Gerrit Niehaus and his beautiful wife Anselma.

Former German legislators were among the guests as the owner of the Thai Garden Resort celebrated his birthday.

Gerrit Niehaus and his wife Anselma invited a number of friends to a Feb. 5 dinner party. Amongst them were ex-Bundestag member Juergen Koppelin, colleague Thomas Stritzl and German Honorary Consul Rudolf Hofer.

Gerrit treated his guests to the birthday gift of a performance by Bangkok’s Grand Opera singers. Many hotel guests also were invited to enjoy the show.

General Manager Rene Pisters spoke compassionately of Gerrit, and Juergen Koppelin praised his friend Gerrit as one of the very few people who are always ready to help others and always stands true to his words.

Gerrit thanked his guests and well-wishers, and seemed touched when he told his friends how a group of his employees came to wish him a happy birthday early in the morning.

After dinner, the Thai Garden Trio and the opera singers joined to sing “Happy Birthday” before Gerrit blew out the candles on the cake.

Gerrit Niehaus blows out the candles and cuts the birthday cake.
Gerrit Niehaus blows out the candles and cuts the birthday cake.
Gerrit is seen in deep discussion with (from left) Jürgen Koppelin and Rudolf Hofer.
Gerrit is seen in deep discussion with (from left) Jürgen Koppelin and Rudolf Hofer.
Gerrit’s godsons: Kevin Mehling and David Eugenie enjoy the festivities.
Gerrit’s godsons: Kevin Mehling and David Eugenie enjoy the festivities.
Axel Brauer, Bo Somkran, and Ploy Pisters pose for a photo with the birthday boy Gerrit Niehaus and Anselma.
Axel Brauer, Bo Somkran, and Ploy Pisters pose for a photo with the birthday boy Gerrit Niehaus and Anselma.
Gerrit Niehaus (left) with two of his closest personal assistants, chief accountant Vilaiwan Chaichumporn and general manager Rene Pisters.
Gerrit Niehaus (left) with two of his closest personal assistants, chief accountant Vilaiwan Chaichumporn and general manager Rene Pisters.