Students from St Andrews School learn how the Holiday Inn uses information technology to run their business


As part of their Information Technology course the year 10 students from St Andrews School ventured out of the classroom and went to the Holiday Inn, Pattaya to find out how IT is used to run a hotel.

After a very warm welcome from the staff at the Holiday Inn the students were given a presentation showing details on how technology is used for marketing, reservations, billing, human resources, and restaurant and facility management. The students were amazed that almost every job in the hotel incorporated some form of IT.

Year 10 students eagerly arrive at the Holiday Inn.Year 10 students eagerly arrive at the Holiday Inn.

The students also had the chance to look behind the scenes of the hotel and went to the basement to see the central control systems for the air con, lighting, fire/smoke alarms, generator and security systems such as CCTV.

Here are some great quotes from the students highlighting what a worthwhile trip it was for them:

Thank you to Treethip and the other staff at the Holiday Inn for putting on such a great day.Thank you to Treethip and the other staff at the Holiday Inn for putting on such a great day.

“I was astonished by the fact that they were willing to give up their time for us and show us how they used IT in the hotel. Thank you for the time you spent with us and for teaching us so much!” said Eddy.

“It was amazing to learn about the new technologies they use in the hotel. By the end of the visit I completely understood how the technology is used to run the hotel,” said Ferie Ann.

The students visited the CCTV security room to see if they could find themselves arriving at the hotel on the video recording.The students visited the CCTV security room to see if they could find themselves arriving at the hotel on the video recording.

“When we went to the Holiday Inn I was surprised to see the amount of effort and IT that is used to manage a hotel. The staff at the Holiday Inn explained a lot about how it was centrally managed and answered many questions I had. The basement was an interesting area and I was amazed at the systems that they had down there: controls systems for the generator, air con, fire alarms and security. It was all in all a great experience!” said Daniel

“Our trip to the Holiday Inn was fun and educational. We learnt about all the different systems working behind the scenes to help the hotel run smoothly and efficiently. The people were extremely helpful and explained away all of our questions while they took us through all the separate parts of the hotel. It was really different to be on the other side, looking on and understanding what happens behind the scenes rather than just being a guest at the hotel,” said Kitty

We would like to thank Craig Ryan, the manager, and all of the staff at the Holiday Inn for giving up so much time and showing us so many interesting IT systems. We are also very grateful to the Holiday Inn for providing us with lunch and letting us make our own pizzas!

Learning about the control system for the air conditioning and fire alarm.Learning about the control system for the air conditioning and fire alarm.

Students were shown how the POS (Point of Sale) system works in the restaurant.Students were shown how the POS (Point of Sale) system works in the restaurant.

The generator is in the basement and is automatically controlled to switch on if there is a power cut.The generator is in the basement and is automatically controlled to switch on if there is a power cut.

Making their own pizzas for lunch!Making their own pizzas for lunch!

Staff from the Holiday Inn taught the students about the different IT systems used by the hotel to run the business.Staff from the Holiday Inn taught the students about the different IT systems used by the hotel to run the business.