St Andrews students go on adventurous YMCA trip


Amazing archery

Kaia Lundin, Thailand

On Thursday, January 31, Y4 students in class 4F went on an exciting trip to the YMCA, and did archery.

First of all, the students lined up as the instructor explained the rules of archery. They had 3 turns each.

Most of the students at least hit the board. It was very exciting for the students. Year 4 student Eva was a little too strong and shot way past the bull’s eye. Many students struggled to pull the string back. The person with the most points was Mrs. Foster! It was so fun that the students were pleading for another turn so they each got 1 more turn! The group leader, Mrs. Foster, also had a turn herself! It was very exciting for the children.

Eva pulls back the string.Eva pulls back the string.

Eva, one of the satisfied students said, “It was a bit scary, so you need to be really strong, but you really need the right strength, but I think I was too strong.” The Year 4 students came back from the trip wearing their YMCA T-shirts with pride.

Does a fox really fly?

Bente Klein, Thailand

Year 4 students went to the YMCA on February 1st and they experienced the amazing flying fox (zip line).

Sebi just came down.Sebi just came down.

First Mrs. Foster’s team went to the flying fox. They stood on a wooden plank so the red ants wouldn’t bite them. The instructor told them the instructions. Then Mrs. Foster chose the first person. Everyone had to climb steep stairs. After that you could choose how fast or slow you wanted to go. When each student went, everyone cheered. The students begged Mrs. foster to go again. Unfortunately there was not enough time, but everyone had fun.

Year 4 student Kaia said, “The flying Fox was very fun and it felt like you could fly.” All year 4 students went with their YMCA t-shirts on.