Regents Head Boy to address United Nations

Osman Tatrokov and Saliha Rehanaz will be traveling to the UN in New York City.
Osman Tatrokov and Saliha Rehanaz will be traveling to the UN in New York City.

Regents International School Pattaya’s Head Boy, Osman Tatrokov, has been selected to address a United Nations High Level Political Forum in New York in July. He travels to the UN with Head Girl, Saliha Rehanaz.

From a potential pool of over 30,000 Nord Anglia Education students, 82 have been selected to represent NAE in the UN Political Forum. Of the 82 selected students, Osman is just one of eight who have been chosen to speak, and the only student from a school in Thailand.

Osman and Saliha will travel to the United Nations as part of the UN Global Goals competition in which Regents has been actively involved. Osman will be one of eight students who will be addressing the UN High Level Political Forum, laying out the students’ thoughts and ideas about the Global Goals. Osman was chosen based on a video audition he made, and his success reflects his extraordinary commitment to the cause.

Osman is very excited about the prospect of speaking at the UN. “I feel thankful to Regents and Nord Anglia Education for giving me this amazing opportunity to travel to New York City and present the ideals of our school in front of one of the most important organisations on Earth. I hope to learn what it feels like to discuss, identify and find solutions to the problems that have been affecting humanity since its inception, such as education, availability and quality of healthcare, hunger, and many others.”

The school congratulates Osman and Saliha – two very worthy Regents ambassadors.