Regents appoints new principal


It is with much pleasure that Nord Anglia Education announces that Ms Sarah Osborne-James has been appointed Principal of Regents International School Pattaya. Ms Osborne-James will take up her position from August 2017.

Ms Osborne-James is currently Principal of Northbridge International School Cambodia. She was born and raised in Birmingham in the UK and graduated from the University of Warwick with a Bachelor of Arts in Education. She has a Masters of Education in International Education Administration from Endicott College, Beverly Massachusetts and a certificate of International School Leadership with the Principals Training Center.

Ms Sarah Osborne-James has been appointed Principal of Regents International School Pattaya.
Ms Sarah Osborne-James has been appointed Principal of Regents International School Pattaya.

This is Ms Osborne-James’ third Headship in a career in education that spans 21 years. She has served on various Boards and Associations including the prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) Heads Council and Executive Board member of the Latin American Heads Association and UNCOLI the Union for International Schools in Colombia.

Ms Osborne-James first connected with Regents in 2007 through Round Square collaboration and has been keeping an eye on the school ever since. She comments; “I am delighted to lead another Nord Anglia School, where students benefit from global learning opportunities. I am passionate about holistic, contemporary education and making the world a better place through responsible and sustainable service and action.”

Regents International School Pattaya is looking forward to welcoming Ms Osborne-James in August.