October 16 is World Food Day


The annual World Food Day is celebrated each year in more than one hundred and fifty countries with the aim of raising awareness of poverty and hunger amongst the poor and underprivileged in society.

The Father Ray Foundation feeds eight hundred and fifty underprivileged children and students with disabilities each day, every day, three hundred and sixty five days a year. The cost of providing a well balanced diet, which will ensure the children are receiving the nutrients they need to grow, is increasing almost every week.

World Food Day - your help is needed. World Food Day – your help is needed.

Environmental issues, such as floods and drought, have affected the production of crops in Thailand and abroad, leading to an increase in the cost of basic foods.

At the same time, the worldwide financial crisis, together with a strong local currency, has seen a reduction in the amount of money that arrives at the Foundation from foreign donors.

Therefore, the Father Ray Foundation is appealing to the people of Pattaya to donate essential food items on World Food Day, which this year is held on Tuesday the 16th October.

Donations of dried noodles, cooking oil, milk, sugar, fish sauce, canned fish and salt can be made at the Father Ray Foundation Welcome Center, located on Sukhumvit Road between Central and North Pattaya Roads.

On World Food Day your donation will ensure the children of Pattaya can continue to receive a nutritious and well balanced diet.

More information about the work of the Father Ray Foundation can be found at www.fr-ray.org or email [email protected]