Friends of Youth, Pattaya City take kids fishing


Saturday following Thanksgiving, Friends of Youth, Pattaya City entertained about 40 kids from Banglamung Boys Home and Mabprachan Jr School to a day of fishing at Pattaya Barra Fishing Park.  The park specializes in fishing for Baramundi known as Pra Kapong on Thai menus – a tasty meaty fish.

The kids arrived early in the morning and only stopped fishing long enough for a great lunch served up by the fishing park.  In addition to food provided by the park, GP Foods, owned by Boonlai Kaebaimai, delivered a great assortment of minced pies, apple pies and Cornish pastries that everyone enjoyed. Boonlai said the pies are sold at WWMCO (formerly known as Western Beef) Villa and Friendship supermarkets.

A friend of one of the owner’s of the park also volunteered her time to do face painting which the kids really enjoyed.

To learn more about how you can get involved with this very worthwhile organization contact Jerry Dean at 083-115-8475.