Canadian Jackalope Open teams up with Jesters to benefit the children living with HIV and/or disabilities


The Canadian Jackalope Open is coming up next Friday on August 7th at Burapha Golf and Country Club once again. This charity event is their annual fund-raiser for the Camillian children living with HIV and/or disabilities at the Camillian Social Center in Rayong and the Camillian Home in Lat Krabang.

The first Canadian Jackalope Open was on September 3, 1999 at Great Lake Golf and Country Club. The organizers then were Glen Dragland, Mark Gorda, Dale Drader, Eddy Henheffer, Derek Reaper and Moe Deverdenne. Back then, their sole beneficiary was the El Shaddai Home for abandoned children in Sriracha. It was established by a Canadian couple, Father Fred and Dianne Doell, who now run the Mercy Center in Nong Yai. For their inaugural event the Canadians raised 185,000 baht that year.

The spring outing, sponsored by Just Burger, is a fun day in Jomtien swimming and an all-you-can-eat buffet.The spring outing, sponsored by Just Burger, is a fun day in Jomtien swimming and an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Fast forward to 2008, when the Canadian Jackalope Open became a major sponsor for the Jesters Care for Kids Charity Drive and stipulated that all funds raised were to go to the Camillians. For the Jesters, the only way this made sense was if they also put some in the pot for a better result. Consequently, since the 7-year merger, the two organizations have provided 4,818,908 baht to date to the cause.

As far as the projects benefitted are concerned, the Camillian Social Center in Rayong has presently 58 children in residence living with HIV and taking their meds morning and evening. All of them, except for two, go to school outside of the premises. Additionally, every Christmas the Jackalope and Jesters take the children to Big C in Rayong for a shopping spree and again, in the spring, before schools start anew, for outings to the beach, nearby islands and/or amusement parks in Bangkok. The last two years have been sponsored by Just Burger for a fun day in Jomtien swimming and an all-you-can-eat buffet.

The Camillian kids certainly look forward to the Christmas shopping at Big C in Rayong every year.The Camillian kids certainly look forward to the Christmas shopping at Big C in Rayong every year.

At the Camillian Home in Lat Krabang there are 80 children in their care; 23 are resident and 57 are day-care. Some of the residents are living with HIV and disabilities, but most do not have the virus. A large portion of the combined donation goes to the 24/7 care for 3 children; two are living with HIV and severe disabilities, while the third has palsy and hoping to eventually walk on her own.  At this center besides providing physical therapy, there is also in-house education, including Braille for the blind.

Every Christmas the Jackalope and Jesters take the children to Big C in Rayong for a shopping spree.Every Christmas the Jackalope and Jesters take the children to Big C in Rayong for a shopping spree.

This will be the Canuks 17th annual tournament with the usual Stableford format and shotgun start at high noon. There will also be a trove of trophies, including overall champion, low gross, top 3 placements in each of the 3 major divisions, while the ladies and rabbits will be awarded for the top 2 placements. There are also many technical prizes, long drives for all categories and the long putt challenge sponsored by Jack Levy. Besides all of this, is the always popular 50/50 draw is part of the program, which guarantees that at least half of that amount goes to charity.

Entry fee is 3500 baht, and includes green fees, caddy, cart, commemorative shirt, lots of beverages and refreshments and topped off with an evening buffet.

If you would like to learn more about this tournament and the children benefited, please go to http://jackalopeopen,,,