Brother Denis Gervais – one year anniversary

Father Thanu celebrated the Mass.
Father Thanu celebrated the Mass.

When Father Ray Brennan, founder of several projects for the underprivileged here in Pattaya, passed away in 2003, many said that the work he started would not continue without him. Some said that without Father Ray there could be no Father Ray Foundation.

But in 2003 the Foundation was taking care of and educating several hundred children and students, they would still need a home, a safe place to live and an education.

All Brother Denis’ children.
All Brother Denis’ children.

Most of the success of the Foundation which continued after the passing of Father Ray was down to Brother Denis Gervais, who, following his retirement from IBM, spent twenty five years devising, designing, training and putting into operation systems that that improved the way the accounting, purchasing and administration departments worked.

When Brother Denis passed away in June 2018 he left an organization that today cares for and educates 850 underprivileged children and students with disabilities and could rival a similar organization in the West for the way it is run and managed.

On the morning of Sunday 9th June, on what would have been his 74th birthday, a memorial mass to commemorate the first anniversary of his death was held at the small chapel that Father Ray had built in the 1980’s on the grounds of the Father Ray Foundation.

The children sang as loud as they could and remembered ‘Brudder’, as they called him, before walking 450 meters up to St. Nikolaus Church where they laid flowers on his grave, said a prayer and sang a few more songs.

450 meters felt like a marathon.
450 meters felt like a marathon.
One year on they remember him with fondness.
One year on they remember him with fondness.
Some teenagers have known Bro. Denis all their life.
Some teenagers have known Bro. Denis all their life.
Saying prayers at St. Nikolaus Church.
Saying prayers at St. Nikolaus Church.
He was a big part of their young lives.
He was a big part of their young lives.