Sattahip man attempts suicide by blowing up home


A Sattahip man got a beat-down from neighbors after trying to blow up his house in a suicide attempt.

Sattahip police and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation officers broke down the door of the Soi Bonkai rowhouse owned by Chanok Suwan, 42, Feb. 5, finding the drunk occupant holding a knife and his kitchen on fire. In an apparent suicide attempt, Chanok tried to torch a cooking-gas canister in hopes of causing a deadly explosion.

Neighbors were not amused. Pushing past authorities, several inflicted punches and kicks on the man they called a frequent troublemaker.

“There have been crazy incidents before, but never to the extent of burning himself,” said Pranee Samrit, 63.

Authorities were finally able to extract the crazed Chanok Suwan from his house after his failed suicide attempt.Authorities were finally able to extract the crazed Chanok Suwan from his house after his failed suicide attempt.

The incident began when the unemployed former hotel-security guard barricaded himself inside his townhouse while on a severe bender. When a neighbor detected smoke and fire inside the house, he broke his way in, only to be assaulted with a barrage of empty liquor bottles.

Neighbors poured onto the street as Chanok flung more bottles out the upper-floor window, hitting several onlookers and damaging two cars.

Authorities finally arrived and, using plywood, cooking-pot lids and helmets to shield themselves from flying bottles, forced their way into the house, but could not find Chanok, who had hidden in a bathroom. After breaking down the door, he threatened the officers with a knife. They subdued him by spraying fire extinguishers into the suspect’s face. A fight ensued and he finally was captured and the fire extinguished.