Privy councilor honors Korean War dead in Chonburi


Privy Councilor Gen. Chalit Phukphasuk honored Thai soldiers that departed 63 years ago to fight in the Korean War at a ceremony at the 14th Military Circle in Chonburi.

Chalit laid garlands at the Korean War Monument at Naowamintraratchinee Camp to mark the Oct. 22, 1950 deployment of four naval vessels and an air transport to Korean Peninsula.

Top military officers honor Thai soldiers who departed 63 years ago to fight in the Korean War.Top military officers honor Thai soldiers who departed 63 years ago to fight in the Korean War.

The kingdom also honors its Korean War dead on the official Korean War Veterans Day every June 24.

Thailand, under the direction of Prime Minister Field Marshal Pibulsongkram, sent 1,294 men from the 21st Regiment to the United Nations-mandated conflict from 1950-53.

A total of 136 Thais were killed in the Korean War: 131 from the Royal Thai Army, four from the Royal Thai Navy and one aviator.