Pattaya media celebrate National Press Day

Samart Thongrod, president of the Press Association Pattaya gives an opening speech.
Samart Thongrod, president of the Press Association Pattaya gives an opening speech.

Pattaya area journalists celebrated their trade at the annual National Press Day party.

Samart Thongrad, president of the Pattaya Press Association, welcomed members to the March 5 celebration attended by top local police and government officials.

In line with this summer’s big football tournament, the theme of this year’s party was “World Cup Pattaya Press” with journalists dressed up as their favorite footballers.

Everyone enjoyed a large buffet and beverages while relaxing on Thailand’s big holiday for media types.

As usual, sponsors also donated prizes for a lucky draw, including a 40-inch LED television and a quarter-baht-weight gold chain.

Popular musician Piyawat Piampia supplied the entertainment.

National Press Day commemorates the founding of the Reporters Association of Thailand on March 5. On March 4, 1999, the association merged with the Thailand Newspaper Association to become the Thai Journalists Association.

Samart Thongrod, president of the Press Association Pattaya, and Chaiyot Phupattanapong, advisor were hosts of the evening.
Samart Thongrod, president of the Press Association Pattaya, and Chaiyot Phupattanapong, advisor were hosts of the evening.
Banglamung District Chief Naris Niramaiwong was the guest of honor. Shown here, he presents the grand prize 40 inch LED TV to Tapanapong Siwilai from TMN.
Banglamung District Chief Naris Niramaiwong was the guest of honor. Shown here, he presents the grand prize 40 inch LED TV to Tapanapong Siwilai from TMN.
Pattaya Police Chief Apichai Kroppech presents a quarter baht weight gold to Amata Niyomsath from TMN.
Pattaya Police Chief Apichai Kroppech presents a quarter baht weight gold to Amata Niyomsath from TMN.
Tony Malhotra, Director of Operations of the Pattaya Mail presents a valuable prize to Sombon Khonthai from the Nation TV.
Tony Malhotra, Director of Operations of the Pattaya Mail presents a valuable prize to Sombon Khonthai from the Nation TV.

The general atmosphere was warm, fun and friendly as media members joined to celebrate National Press day.
The general atmosphere was warm, fun and friendly as media members joined to celebrate National Press day.