Neglected Koh Larn bridge near collapse

Koh Larn business owners are calling on Pattaya to repair the Tien Beach bridge, which is close to collapsing.
Koh Larn business owners are calling on Pattaya to repair the Tien Beach bridge, which is close to collapsing.

Koh Larn business owners are calling on Pattaya to repair the Tien Beach bridge, which is close to collapsing.

Locals at the third-most-popular beach on the island said there have been no lights on the bridge for a decade, and now neglect has caused the very foundation of the four-meter-high bridge over a shoreline of rocks to degrade.

About half the 500-meter span has no railing, the steel posts and foundation are rusted and various parts and joints are missing. The bridge could collapse at any time, residents fear.

Business owners want city hall to immediately renovate the bridge before a tourist gets hurt and damages the reputation of the island.