Najomtien police remind commuters about road safety

Najomtien police invited about forty hotel workers to a lecture on road safety to prepare them for the deadly Songkran holiday.
Najomtien police invited about forty hotel workers to a lecture on road safety to prepare them for the deadly Songkran holiday.

Najomtien police invited about forty hotel workers to a lecture on road safety to prepare them for the deadly Songkran holiday.

Each year over the weeklong Songkran celebrations, hundreds of families lose loved ones to traffic fatalities. Most involve drunk driving and riding motorcycles without a proper helmet.

On April 10, Najomtien Police hosted a training seminar for hotel staff at the Ocean Marin Yacht Club. The main topic was ‘how to avoid road accidents’ during the Songkran Festival during their commute to work.

Safe driving, road discipline and obeying traffic laws were emphasized.