Multimedia art showcased in Asian University ‘BAM Time’ exhibit


Pattaya teachers and students got a look into the world of multimedia art at an exhibition by Asian University undergrads.

University president Dr. Viphandh Roengpithya and senior-level undergraduates hosted the “BAM Time 2013” event at Pattaya School No. 11 May 8-10. Pattaya-area teachers and school administrators attended the opening session to gain insight into how to introduce students to cutting-edge art.

Students took part in talks and lectures, asking questions regarding the concepts and creation of each piece. City hall officials said the exhibit could serve as inspiration for youngsters and widen their perception of the world.

University president Dr. Viphandh Roengpithya (center) sits for a commemorative photo with students, teachers and local officials during the opening ceremony.University president Dr. Viphandh Roengpithya (center) sits for a commemorative photo with students, teachers and local officials during the opening ceremony.

Some of the works shown in the exhibition, proving the students have real talent.Some of the works shown in the exhibition, proving the students have real talent.