Jaywalking Russian steps in hole, blames city


A Russian woman whose leg got stuck in a hole while she was jaywalking across Sukhumvit Road complained that Pattaya needs to do a better job maintaining its infrastructure.

Hana Maskova, 25, sustained minor leg and knee wounds when she fell into a deep, 15-centimeter-wide hole on an island in the middle of the busy highway Jan. 18. She was not crossing at the light or using the walkway overpass.

Hana Maskova sustained minor leg and knee wounds when she fell into a hole on an island in the middle of Sukhumvit Road.Hana Maskova sustained minor leg and knee wounds when she fell into a hole on an island in the middle of Sukhumvit Road.

By the time Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation medic arrived, friends had already extricated the Russian from the hole, which she said was obscured by grass. Officers found three other similar holes nearby.

The jaywalking Russian took out her frustration on city officers, saying Pattaya should do more to plug holes in landscaped islands where pedestrians are not supposed to be crossing in the first place.