Grad students help Redemptorist School open Ray’s Second-Hand Shop


Thammasat University graduates chipped into organize inventory and price products as the Redemptorist School for People with Disabilities opened Ray’s Second-Hand Shop.

Accounting and business-management students in Thammasat’s five-year fast-track bachelor’s / master’s program joined with workers from Might International Co. to organize shelves, add bar codes and price donated items put up for sale when the store opens March 16.

The warehouse was a mess until help arrived from Thammasat University and Might International Co.The warehouse was a mess until help arrived from Thammasat University and Might International Co.

Ray’s Second-Hand Shop offers clothes, electrical appliances, stationary, furniture, home furnishings, toys and toiletries donated to the Father Ray Foundation to be sold to raise funds for the Redemptorist school.

Storing them, however, had become a chore and the warehouse a mess. The students benefitted from hands-on experience managing business inventories and point-of-sale systems, helped the school bring order to the chaos. They categorized products into groups, tagged items and helped prepare the store for the public. Mighty International sent employees to install electrical appliances and move heavy items to higher shelves.