Flood-hit residents begin to file compensation claims


The streets dry, Pattaya’s flood-fatigued residents emerged from their damaged homes to begin queuing up at city hall to file compensation claims.

A line formed early Sept. 21 at the Social Security Department with residents carrying completed forms and photos of their personal devastation caused by tropical depression Vamco Sept. 14-18.

The next step will be to dispatch authorities to inspect the damages. Those seeking compensation are told it may be some time before any funds are released.

Flood victims wait patiently at the Social Security Department to file their compensation claims.

Authorities have worked hard to get the city back into shape, fixing the water supply and downed power lines. Many charity organizations and private groups have leant a hand to help by donating food and drinking water, along with emergency kits.

Pattaya also has been supported by the Prince Pa Foundation, which has donated emergency aid packages, food and drinking water.