City hall mulls ways to boost New Year’s road safety


Pattaya officials are already looking toward the New Year’s Day holiday with an eye toward improving the area’s road safety record.

At a Nov. 15 city hall meeting, Deputy Mayor Verawat Khakhay took suggestions on ways to cut down accident rates. Discussion centered around increased targeting of high-risk areas, repairing damaged roads and better educating drivers.

Deputy Mayor Verawat Khakhay said that in 2010, 110 people were killed and 10,170 injured in 8,499 accidents on local roads. Deputy Mayor Verawat Khakhay said that in 2010, 110 people were killed and 10,170 injured in 8,499 accidents on local roads.

Just under 20 people per 100,000 were killed every year on Thai roads from 1998-2009, with the annual rate dropping gradually over the decade. In 2009, only 17.39 people per 100,000 died. That, however, is considered high for a developed country and Thailand has made it a national priority to improve road safety.

Locally in 2010, 110 people were killed and 10,170 injured in 8,499 accidents, Verawat said.