Chonburi workers, residents clean Bangpla Sroi Canal


Chonburi residents and government workers joined together to clean up the Bangpla Sroi Canal in honor of HM the Queen’s 81st birthday.

Mayor Decho Khongchayasuwat led the Aug. 8 outing aimed at prodding residents to care more about the environment, dispose of trash properly and preserve the environment in accordance with the wishes of HM Queen Sirikit.

City workers and residents picked up trash, cleared debris and helped restore the canal to a more-natural state.

City workers clean out the Bangpla Sroi Canal in Chonburi.  Perhaps if the South Pattaya Canal was kept in such good shape, there wouldn’t be a flooding problem there.City workers clean out the Bangpla Sroi Canal in Chonburi.  Perhaps if the South Pattaya Canal was kept in such good shape, there wouldn’t be a flooding problem there.