AIDS testing, counseling events set for Soi 6 July 1


AIDS-prevention groups will try again to get the city’s many sex workers to agree to voluntary HIV testing and counseling at a July 1 event on Soi 6.

Dubbed “VCT Day,” for “voluntary counseling and testing,” the outreach effort is co-sponsored by 10 organizations and city departments who attended a June 11 “Health and AIDS Workers Network” meeting.

Na-anya Chantrakat, director for the Center for Disease Prevention and Control in the Pattaya Public Health Department, said the city attempted a VCT Day before, but received poor cooperation from Pattaya businesses.

Na-anya Chantrakat, registered nurse level 8, explains the goal of the campaign.Na-anya Chantrakat, registered nurse level 8, explains the goal of the campaign.

Soi 6 was selected as the location for the outreach, she said, because it is home to 43 straight and gay bars employing hundreds of workers interacting with foreign tourists.

She said that, before the event, the department will dispatch staff to the various businesses to educate them on the mission of the project.

Na-anya said testing and counseling for HIV and AIDS is necessary because of the thousands of sex workers living in Pattaya and the millions of tourists that visit the city each year.