Regarding closing times



Regarding “Closing times” by Peter Forrester, United Kingdom: You say that closing the bars at 02.00 will increase tourism in Pattaya? What a naïve person you are. Myself and many friends have been visiting Thailand and in particular Pattaya for nearly 30 years. Since the bars started to close at 02.00 many of my friends (including me for some time), stopped visiting all together.

We use to really enjoy the nightlife and the freedom to socialise without being told to stop at certain times; we never got “wasted” or caused problems. Despite being out in the early hours of the morning and spending some serious cash in the process!, we never “slept all day” and enjoyed the freedom that Pattaya had to offer.

Now the opening hours seem to have relaxed a little, I have seen more and more “ex regular” visitors returning to Pattaya together with people who wouldn’t visit before because of such legislation. The last thing Pattaya needs now is another clamp down on the times bars close. It may have escaped your notice but Pattaya and Thailand as a whole needs to entice the tourist not put them off. If you think it’s too noisy in the town, then stay outside where it’s quieter, but please don’t ask for the individual’s choice to be taken away again!

I am approaching my 50’s now but do not feel the need for co-co and biscuits before bedtime just yet!

Just enjoy yours, somewhere quieter perhaps?

