Follow the law



In my country it’s illegal to bribe or offer a bribe to the police or elected officials.  What is the law in Thailand?  Should I pay the police when stopped for a traffic violation?  Is it always the foreigner’s fault and he pays when involved in an accident with a Thai? Are police involved in any traffic offense other than riding a motorbike without a helmet?  How about making a u-turn in the middle of traffic? Crossing two yellow lines to pass?  Speeding?  Just what is the speed law?

Driving in Pattaya can be very dangerous; many people are injured or killed by drivers who do not obey the law, causing hardship on families, insurance increases and a bad reputation for Pattaya.  I have driven in most large cities in Thailand and Pattaya is by far the worst.  In Chiang Mai people obey the law, motorbikes drive on the left of traffic and traffic flows much more civilized.  Would it be possible for someone in authority, preferably the police chief, to answer these questions?
