Bigger is not always better



Re: Drains are too small (PM Friday, 10 July 2015) – “Bigger is not always Better” – From the moment human waste enters the system it is mixed with water to form a slurry that is forced along until it meets the sewerage system proper. If a large pipe is used the pressure is lowered and the slurry sits dormant. The same applies with the sewer. If the pipes are too large, pumping stations may have to be installed.

It all stems back to poor design and policing by building  inspections. How often has a developer incorrectly connected the storm water pipe to the sewer? Allowing foreign matter that should have gone to a canal has now entered the sewer system.

In hindsight, if all toilets were to have been fitted with a sieve before they entered the main system, the owner of that toilet would have to clear any blockage. But it’s no use shutting the gate after the horse has bolted. Thais are not users of toilet paper so all public toilets should have a lidded bin for used paper and tampons, etc. How often have you sat or squatted down with an unsightly and smelly bin in your peripheral vision? Negativity or reality?

Bill Neal