Jesters Fair is a Big Hit in the Sun


Students from the Mechai Pattana School at the Kelly Lifelong Learning Center in Pattaya perform an amazing acoustic set with their ukuleles and voices.  Despite the warning of inclement weather leading up to the Jesters Care for Kids Children’s Fair last Sunday, it was anything but wet at the Diana Garden Resort, making the fair a big hit with everyone involved.

Jesters Care for Kids Charity Drive 2012, Sponsored by Glencore International and Canadian Jackalope Open

The week leading up to the Fair was fraught with anxieties, especially after mid-week rains drenched the city. Concerned parties were calling in with a variety of weather forecasts for our Fair Day on Sunday, September 9th, which ranged from 70% chance of rain to somewhat wet.

Well, after spending a full day in the sun on the driving range at the Diana Garden Resort on Fair Day, my sunburn neck the next morning told a different story. Yes, we had to seek cover once again, but this time it was in search of shade.

Students from the Mechai Pattana School at the Kelly Lifelong Learning Center in Pattaya perform an amazing acoustic set with their ukuleles and voices.  Despite the warning of inclement weather leading up to the Jesters Care for Kids Children’s Fair last Sunday, it was anything but wet at the Diana Garden Resort, making the fair a big hit with everyone involved.   Students from the Mechai Pattana School at the Kelly Lifelong Learning Center in Pattaya perform an amazing acoustic set with their ukuleles and voices.  Despite the warning of inclement weather leading up to the Jesters Care for Kids Children’s Fair last Sunday, it was anything but wet at the Diana Garden Resort, making the fair a big hit with everyone involved.

This year, we were able to try the new stage location and stall configuration in clement weather. The stage was more prominent than ever, thanks to MAS, and now located on the west side of the range in front of the Korean church.  From the stage, the 104 stalls extended along the north perimeter to the east boundary of the driving range, then went south for 60-70 meters, before going back around towards stage.

The result was a creation of a huge grassy expanse in the middle of the setup, making the stage visible from more points than previously. It was also ideal for the opening ceremony and allowed the marching band from Pattaya School # 3 to make a grand entrance onto the field and assemble in front of the stage.

Lewis “Woody” Underwood welcomes everyone to the fair and announces what the day is all about.Lewis “Woody” Underwood welcomes everyone to the fair and announces what the day is all about.

To add to the spectacle, the Jesters atop their shiny Harleys lined up in formation behind the band. With parade captain Soda in charge of the bikes this year, even Kalles Kaviar was able to participate; not to mention Ronny on a replica of the earliest motorcycles, when they were more like bicycles with small motors. By the way, the latter is an auction item for our next event, the Gala Party Night at the Amari Orchid Pattaya on Saturday, September 22nd.

After the national anthem was performed by the school band and the requisite opening speeches, the ribbon-cutting ceremony took place on the stage by the VIP’s, namely Deputy Mayor Wutisak Rermkitkarn, Chanyuth Hengtrakul (advisor to the Deputy Interior Minister), Sopin Thappajug (CEO of the Diana Group), Peter Malhotra (CEO of the Pattaya Mail) and members of the Jesters Care for Kids Organizing Committee. The band then played on, as the Harley’s roared to life and made a lap around the field before exiting the grounds.

With the formalities done, our perennial emcees, Russell Jay and Poodle Pete, took over for the day welcoming the fair goers and keeping them informed about the goings-on throughout the day.

The stage performances soon commenced by our project kids from the Fountain of Life Center, the School for the Blind, Ban Jing Jai Foundation, Hand to Hand Foundation and the Camillian Center. This year, Richy, as our entertainment coordinator, oversaw the stage program and adjusted the schedule for the bands and entertainers in order to accommodate everyone.

To keep the kids well preoccupied for the day, there was the ever-present climbing wall, courtesy of Pattaya Pickles, and pony rides provided by Horseshoe Point. There were also a number of contracted game booths and international school stalls that featured kids’ activities, as well as carnival rides and a massive bouncy castle. Other beneficial organizations, like the Rotary Clubs and Lions Club also catered to kids to name a few.

In addition, Linden and the GAP students from The Regent’s organized the field games for the children, culminating with the tug-of-war. Prizes were provided by the Pattaya International Ladies Club (PILC), Scar, Dan Dorothy and the Jesters.

Lewis Woody Underwood (center) leads officials in cutting the ribbon to officially launch the event.Lewis Woody Underwood (center) leads officials in cutting the ribbon to officially launch the event.

Of course, the Pattaya Sports Club was there in full force running the children’s raffle ticket booth, as well as providing the prizes, which ranged from kids’ board games to a flat screen TV. Bangkok Hospital Pattaya also provided a prize, as well as the Diana Group. Of valuable assistance in selling tickets were the students from the International School of the Eastern Seaboard (ISE). A special thanks to Bouquet for all the extra help. By the way, at the end of the day, 74,020 baht of tickets were sold and donated to our charity drive.

A wide range of cuisines were available this year from food stalls too, which included The Haven, Sausage King, Cafe Kronborg, Baadshah Indian food, Noi’s Somtam, Sunrise Tacos, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Hard Rock, Duck Bar and the Fountain of Life Chow Hall; the latter provided food for all the project kids.

The climbing wall is great fun and exercise, too.The climbing wall is great fun and exercise, too.

Special treats’ stalls also joined in with the local and international delights, such as Khao Larm (sticky rice concoctions baked in bamboo), Special Forces Association, Ch. 3 (apple pies), Pattaya Pickles, AGS Four Winds (ice cream), JVK International Movers (candy floss), Tamar Center (baked goods) and Jelly Belly Candy Company (jelly beans).

Jameson’s used books once again dominated Devil’s Alley, providing plenty of reading fodder for the older kids. People were seen toting huge bags of paperbacks away from their stall, including one gentleman, who brought a suitcase full of books to exchange with a ‘new’ selection of reading matter.

The afternoon segment of the entertainment started off with Joe Cox’s security dog show demonstration in front of the stage, as Cha Yen, a popular Thai group, prepared and then was up next on stage. The Regent’s School then put up two talented groups and a solo artist, followed by Garden International School (GIS) bands. Their first band was an all-girl band, who were very popular. It was great to see students from both schools supporting and applauding their bands in front of the stage on the grass.

Simon collects his luck draw winnings from Tony.Simon collects his luck draw winnings from Tony.

Then 28 students from the Mechai Pattana School at the Kelly Lifelong Learning Center in Pattaya (also known as Birds and the Bees School) took the stage and came to the very front of it and did an acoustic set with their ukuleles and voices without mikes. Everyone who was there up close thoroughly enjoyed their set.

Next up Tom Rossetti and his eclectic ensemble did a great set of traditional and contemporary Thai numbers along with a few English songs, which was very entertaining. And for those who might have been flagging in the heat, the Salsa Community took the stage and infused new energy into the fairgoers.

Lewis “Woody” Underwood congratulates this good student for earning a bicycle.Lewis “Woody” Underwood congratulates this good student for earning a bicycle.

After the Fountain of Life ‘best of the classes’ kids were awarded their bicycles in memory of Chris Kays and the final drawing for the children’s raffle, bands from Leo Blues Bar played superbly, as always, until it was unfortunately time to stop the show and let the work crews dismantle everything. By the way, a special thanks go to Chief and his technicians, who provided a top sound system for our added listening enjoyment.

All in all, it was a grand, magical day! And we could not have done it without you! On behalf of the Jesters Care for Kids and Jesters MC Thailand, we hope you too had a great day with your families and friends in the presence of the very project kids you are helping to get safe shelter, educational chances and overall better life options.

Please remember that our Gala Party Night is next Saturday, September 22nd at the Amari Orchid Pattaya. This smart casual event is a sit-down dinner with complimentary wine, beer and soft drinks, all inclusive in the 1800 baht ticket charge. There will be lots of entertainment with auctions and grand raffle drawings.

Newsflash: There are still seats available! If interested, please contact [email protected] as soon as possible.

We hope to see you there too!

Jesters 2012 Beer Donors

Doug Reteman, Mark Lukinovich, Pat Elliot, Banana, Chris Hogg, Pim & Natee, Tim Bar, Tony Smith, Herb Rogers, Pelle Block, Welkom Inn, Karamba, Duen Pen, John Drum, Petter Andersen, Steve Ball, Swiss Chris, Terje, Kent Skaarup, Kerstin & Peter Nod, Robby Bennet, Don Blend, Chris Chailton, Jim Lindquist, Keith Emerson, Thore Pedersen, Kjell Ingemarsson, Janne Low Rider, Johan the Map, Lars Mueller, Jamie, Cafe Kronborg, Uffe, Martin Simonsson, Greg Nolan, Paul, Earl, Mikael, Geir Bakken, Bob Thomson, Chris Harvey, Sweet Lou, Karamba, Club Nevada, Vienna, Tony, Raymond, Ski, Denny, Fred, Hank from Ohio, Froto, Simon Buckingham, Augie, Steve, David & Joy, Homer, Gator, Tom, Sara, Katee, Jerry Lien, Saaam, Kim Fletcher, Tropical Bert, Christer.  TOTAL: 103,440 baht

Hit the target, soak the student.Hit the target, soak the student.

The fairgrounds are lined with stalls selling everything from beer to trinkets.The fairgrounds are lined with stalls selling everything from beer to trinkets.

The fair is about the only time when anyone can buy some of their very own Jesterwear.The fair is about the only time when anyone can buy some of their very own Jesterwear.

Heave!  The tug-o-war is a fitting end to the games.Heave!  The tug-o-war is a fitting end to the games.

Little ones just love the pony rides provided by Horseshoe Point.Little ones just love the pony rides provided by Horseshoe Point.

More fun for the kids!More fun for the kids!

Learning to be a pilot or just enjoying the ride.Learning to be a pilot or just enjoying the ride.

The afternoon segment of the entertainment starts off with Joe Cox’s security dog show demonstration.The afternoon segment of the entertainment starts off with Joe Cox’s security dog show demonstration.

Zion Team Dancers perform an enthusiastic show.Zion Team Dancers perform an enthusiastic show.

Cha-Yen band rocks the crowd.Cha-Yen band rocks the crowd.

A Garden International student belts his way through ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’.A Garden International student belts his way through ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’.

Young performers do a cute Thai dance.Young performers do a cute Thai dance.

Students from the Mechai Pattana School at the Kelly Lifelong Learning Center in Pattaya perform an acoustic set with their ukuleles.Students from the Mechai Pattana School at the Kelly Lifelong Learning Center in Pattaya perform an acoustic set with their ukuleles.

Pukpik entertains the crowd with her magical violin.Pukpik entertains the crowd with her magical violin.

The marching band from Pattaya School # 3 makes a grand entrance onto the field.The marching band from Pattaya School # 3 makes a grand entrance onto the field.

Look at me, I’m creating a masterpiece.Look at me, I’m creating a masterpiece.

A smile that would melt your heart.A smile that would melt your heart.

Three young princesses dress in their Sunday best.Three young princesses dress in their Sunday best.

Full of determination, ready to try and win the tug-o-war.Full of determination, ready to try and win the tug-o-war.

Ronny pulls in on a replica of the earliest motorcycles, when they were more like bicycles with small motors.Ronny pulls in on a replica of the earliest motorcycles, when they were more like bicycles with small motors.

Big bikes line the outskirts of the Jesters Fair.Big bikes line the outskirts of the Jesters Fair.

Jesters Fair is a Big Hit in the Sun