Giant Easter eggs invade Beach Road


A young boy examines a giant ornamental Easter egg at the Central Festival Pattaya Beach shopping mall – one of several such objects that mysteriously appeared over the Easter period celebrations.

Several years ago Christmas was celebrated only in the tourist areas of the country, but as each year has passed it has grown to become a festival celebrated by a large number of the population, Thai and foreign.

Easter is another Christian festival that is slowly becoming more popular each year, and Central Festival Beach Road recently held a competition to find the biggest and most beautifully decorated Easter egg.

A young boy examines a giant ornamental Easter egg at the Central Festival Pattaya Beach shopping mall – one of several such objects that mysteriously appeared over the Easter period celebrations.

Several entries were delivered to the Beach Road site, with the winning entry coming from the special needs children at the Father Ray Foundation.

Explaining to a group of children with special needs what Easter was all about, and then getting them to build and decorate a giant egg was not an easy task. However, they worked for many hours, building and plastering the structure, before several talented artists painted an agreed upon design.

The winning egg from the Father Ray Foundation.

Deciding on the best way to transport the egg to Beach Road was a logistical nightmare, but never say never, and the egg eventually arrived in one piece.

Eggs also arrived from several local churches, as well as from Alcazar, Tiffany’s and the Cartoon Network Water Park, and there was not a drop of chocolate in sight.

Several eggs had a religious theme.

The children with special needs half way through the egg making process.

The egg from Tiffany’s was almost as elaborate as an egg from Faberge.

The Cartoon Network egg was one of the kids’ favourites.

And down rolled the SF Strike Bowl egg.

Children learn the fine art of Easter egg painting.