ADB supports Joint Chamber meeting


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) was one of the two sponsors of the latest joint chamber meeting, led by the Australian Chamber (AustCham), with the American Chamber (AmCham), NZ Chamber and South African Chamber joining in as well.

The event (and it really was an “event”) was held at the new Cape Dara resort with the very attentive staff ensuring everyone was being looked after, while owner Surat Mekavarakul stood back and let them continue.  His staff also put on two shows – one being a bartender doing bottle gymnastics and another being a simulated sum tam done by one of their lady chefs in a classical Thai outfit with mortar and pestle.  This definitely was something different and brought rousing applause from the networkers.

(L to R) Dao Makkiti, Event Manager and Marketing Advisor, ADB Southeast Asia Energy Efficiency Project, Dr. Peter du Pont, Vice President, Government & Clean Energy Consulting of Nexant Asia Limited and Arno Zimmer, from Intertek Testing Service (Thailand) Ltd.(L to R) Dao Makkiti, Event Manager and Marketing Advisor, ADB Southeast Asia Energy Efficiency Project, Dr. Peter du Pont, Vice President, Government & Clean Energy Consulting of Nexant Asia Limited and Arno Zimmer, from Intertek Testing Service (Thailand) Ltd.

The ADB wanted to publicize their involvement in energy saving and had the vivacious Dao Makkitti and Christopher Seeley on hand from Nexant Asia, who enthusiastically explained the ADB involvement in this.  They were joined by Watcharapong Indageha (Cofely Thailand) and Arthit Vechakij (Excellent Energy International).

(L to R) Leigh Scott-Kemmis, Chairman of DBM (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Michael Grisaffi, Key Account Manager of United Relocations (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Kathy Barnett, Welfare of Australian-New Zealand Women’s Group.(L to R) Leigh Scott-Kemmis, Chairman of DBM (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Michael Grisaffi, Key Account Manager of United Relocations (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Kathy Barnett, Welfare of Australian-New Zealand Women’s Group.

From the South African Chamber were Graham MacDonald, the president of their chamber and Allan Riddell sampling wines (as usual).

The NZ Chamber had their president Justin Barnett (Grayling Thailand) representing them, who was very proud of their achievements in the marketplace, as well as their rugby prowess.  Another Kiwi networking was Rod Skinner, these days an ‘old hand’.

From the American side was Kevin Watkins, the GM of Piper Plastics, and the only networker there with a plastic business card.

(L to R) Pasit Foobunma, Board Member & Web Master, Allan Riddell, Director of South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce and Tony Malhotra, Asst. MD of Pattaya Mail.(L to R) Pasit Foobunma, Board Member & Web Master, Allan Riddell, Director of South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce and Tony Malhotra, Asst. MD of Pattaya Mail.

The joint chambers brought with them a bevy of beauties including Natt Ratchatanunt (Director Sales and Marketing Cape Dara), Gap Gapnoi and Sumalee Marasri (Asian Tigers).

Regulars included Kevin Fisher (CEA), Scotsman John L Hamilton, BCCT Executive Director Greg Watkins, Chris Thatcher and David Cumming, down on a recce for another place to pop up another Amari.

(L to R) Weeraya Sakolchai, Sales Manager of Amari Orchid Pattaya, David Cumming, Director of BCCT and Pimteera Rattanakupt, Asst Sales Manager of Amari Orchid Pattaya.(L to R) Weeraya Sakolchai, Sales Manager of Amari Orchid Pattaya, David Cumming, Director of BCCT and Pimteera Rattanakupt, Asst Sales Manager of Amari Orchid Pattaya.

It was an excellent evening, the rain held off and the wine did not run out (which it never does when the Australians play host).

I believe the British Chamber are the hosts for the networking next month and Executive Director Greg Watkins was taking careful note of how the Cape Dara measured up.

The next Joint Chamber meeting will be publicized in the Pattaya Mail.

(L to R) Arno Zimmer, from Intertek Testing Service (Thailand) Ltd., Leigh Scott-Kemmis, Chairman of DBM (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Christopher C. Seeley, ESCO Advisor, ADB Southeast Asia Energy Efficiency Project of Nexant Asia Limited and Watcharapong Indageha, Business Development Manager, Cofely (Thailand) Co., Ltd.(L to R) Arno Zimmer, from Intertek Testing Service (Thailand) Ltd., Leigh Scott-Kemmis, Chairman of DBM (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Christopher C. Seeley, ESCO Advisor, ADB Southeast Asia Energy Efficiency Project of Nexant Asia Limited and Watcharapong Indageha, Business Development Manager, Cofely (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

(L to R) Udaporn Phookduang, Dept. Secretary of Thai Houghton 1993 Co., Ltd., Sumalee Marasri, Corporate Services Manager, Transpo International and Wasitti Chaiyong.(L to R) Udaporn Phookduang, Dept. Secretary of Thai Houghton 1993 Co., Ltd., Sumalee Marasri, Corporate Services Manager, Transpo International and Wasitti Chaiyong.

(L to R) Mike Griffis, Andrew McDonell and Kevin Fisher, MD of CEA.(L to R) Mike Griffis, Andrew McDonell and Kevin Fisher, MD of CEA.

(L to R) Arthit Vechakij, MD of Excellent Energy International Co., Ltd., Christopher C. Seeley, ESCO Advisor, ADB Southeast Asia Energy Efficiency Project of Nexant Asia Ltd, Dr. Iain Corness, Dao Makkiti, Event Manager and Marketing Advisor, ADB Southeast Asia Energy Efficiency Project of Nexant Asia Limited and Watcharapong Indageha, Business Development Manager, Cofely (Thailand).(L to R) Arthit Vechakij, MD of Excellent Energy International Co., Ltd., Christopher C. Seeley, ESCO Advisor, ADB Southeast Asia Energy Efficiency Project of Nexant Asia Ltd, Dr. Iain Corness, Dao Makkiti, Event Manager and Marketing Advisor, ADB Southeast Asia Energy Efficiency Project of Nexant Asia Limited and Watcharapong Indageha, Business Development Manager, Cofely (Thailand).

(L to R) Martin Wojtysiak, Col. USAF (ret.) International and Strategic Accounts, Vassachol Khrueasan, Senior Sales Manager, Holiday Inn, Kevin Watkins, GM of Piper Plastics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Chutima Konfai, Director of Sales, Holiday Inn.(L to R) Martin Wojtysiak, Col. USAF (ret.) International and Strategic Accounts, Vassachol Khrueasan, Senior Sales Manager, Holiday Inn, Kevin Watkins, GM of Piper Plastics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Chutima Konfai, Director of Sales, Holiday Inn.

(L to R) Peter Malhotra, Managing Director of Pattaya Mail Media Group, Dr. Iain Corness, Surat Mekavarakul, CEO of Cape Dara Resort, Tony Malhotra, Asst. MD of Pattaya Mail Media Group, Sittidej Rochanavibhata, GM, Pattamon Mekavarakul, Assistant General Manager of Cape Dara Resort, Simon Philbrook, Client Advisor of MBMG Group and Chutima Konfai, Director of Sales, Holiday Inn.(L to R) Peter Malhotra, Managing Director of Pattaya Mail Media Group, Dr. Iain Corness, Surat Mekavarakul, CEO of Cape Dara Resort, Tony Malhotra, Asst. MD of Pattaya Mail Media Group, Sittidej Rochanavibhata, GM, Pattamon Mekavarakul, Assistant General Manager of Cape Dara Resort, Simon Philbrook, Client Advisor of MBMG Group and Chutima Konfai, Director of Sales, Holiday Inn.

(L to R) Michael Diamente form Dana Spicer, Dr. Peter du Pont, Vice President, Government & Clean Energy Consulting of Nexant Asia Limited, Sittidej Rochanavibhata, GM of Cape Dara Resort, Justin Barnett, President of New Zealand-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Leigh Scott-Kemmis, Chairman of DBM (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Surat Mekavarakul, CEO of Cape Dara Resort, Greg Watkins, Executive Director of BCCT and Graham Macdonald MBE, President of South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce, MD of MBMG Group.(L to R) Michael Diamente form Dana Spicer, Dr. Peter du Pont, Vice President, Government & Clean Energy Consulting of Nexant Asia Limited, Sittidej Rochanavibhata, GM of Cape Dara Resort, Justin Barnett, President of New Zealand-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Leigh Scott-Kemmis, Chairman of DBM (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Surat Mekavarakul, CEO of Cape Dara Resort, Greg Watkins, Executive Director of BCCT and Graham Macdonald MBE, President of South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce, MD of MBMG Group.