Lim Ko Niew shrine paraded through Nernplabwan Road

Pattaya’s version of the Chinese Taoist procession in which devotees purify themselves in public displays of self-mutilation traveled along Nernplabwan Road on Tuesday, Oct. 1.
Pattaya’s version of the Chinese Taoist procession in which devotees purify themselves in public displays of self-mutilation traveled along Nernplabwan Road on Tuesday, Oct. 1.

Pattaya’s version of the Chinese Taoist procession in which devotees purify themselves in public displays of self-mutilation traveled along Nernplabwan Road on Tuesday, Oct. 1.

Tables of offerings were set up along the route to enable believers to make merit to the Lim Ko Niew shrine for the coming year.

Participants in the parade believe they become possessed by spirits and, imbued with the power of otherworldly beings, are able to skewer their bodies and faces with a variety of imaginative implements, in this case steel rods and knives.

The aim is to rid the area of evil spirits and bring good fortune to local communities.