Gold prices drop 50 baht per gold baht-weight


BANGKOK, 16 December 2013,  Buying and selling prices for gold bar and gold ornament have seen a drop of around 50 baht per gold baht-weight on December 16 compared to yesterday’s closing prices. 

This morning, the Gold Traders Association reported a drop in gold prices for both gold bars and ornaments.

Buying price for gold bar is at 18,700 baht per gold baht-weight, a drop of 50 baht from the closing price of 18,750 baht per gold baht-weight on Saturday.

Buying price for gold ornament is reported at 18,434.56 baht per gold baht-weight this morning, a drop of 45.48 baht compared to buying prices of 18,480.04 on Saturday.

Selling prices for gold ornaments, meanwhile, closed at 19,250 baht per gold baht-weight on Saturday and opened this morning at 19,200 baht. Gold bar selling prices closed at 18,850 baht, and opened with a drop of 50 baht at 18,800 baht per gold baht-weight.