Open auditions for Pattaya’s Cinderella’ Panto


Pattaya Players (Home of Pattaya’s Professional Amateurs) is proud to announce auditions for its second-annual, upcoming Christmas panto performance of Cinderella!

There are parts for both male and female actors of all ages and auditions will take place at Eastern Grand Palace Hotel on Tuesday, October 4, at 6:30 p.m.  The following is a list of character biographies for the needed cast.

Buttons – Male: Man servant and general factotum.  Is hopelessly in love with Cinderella and is on her side against the Ugly Sisters.  Must be able to work the audience, elicit their responses and generally keep things moving.

(All other characters must also be able to work and interact with the audience to a lesser or greater extent, and be prepared to sing)

Cinderella – Young Female:  Sweet, young and totally innocent!

Christine and Roberta – Males:  Cinderella’s Ugly Sisters.  Typical Pantomime Dames.  Totally preoccupied with themselves, treat Cinderella as an unpaid servant.  Always indulging in slight bickering, both think they are beautiful and attractive.  Dress in a really OTT way.  Anything goes.

Fairy Godperson – Can be either a young or older female fairy who speaks in rhyme!  Floats about doing the typical fairy stuff that fairy godmothers do in Cinderella.

Prince Charming – Can either be cast in the typical fashion as a female, or could be a younger male: Nice but dim, bit of a mommy’s boy, been spoiled as a child and used to getting his own way.

Baroness Hardup – older female: Mutton dressed as lamb, totally the opposite of her two daughters, (ugly sisters), kills off her husbands to gain their money.

The performances will take place on Friday November 25th, Saturday November 26th, Thursday December 1st, Saturday December 3rd (matinee), Friday December 9th and Saturday December 10th (in various different venues throughout Pattaya).

Rehearsals will most likely take place Tuesday and Thursday evenings throughout the months of October and November.  All interested parties both talent-wise and back stage should plan on attending.

If your venue is interested in hosting one of the performances or for further details and directions on how to find the audition space, please send an email to [email protected].