Grand Opera performs at Pattaya Orphanage

The singers of the Grand Opera Thailand in the back (Father Michel is far left) and the concert organizers in front.
The singers of the Grand Opera Thailand in the back (Father Michel is far left) and the concert organizers in front.

Members of the Grand Opera Thailand under leadership of founder Stefan Sanchez introduced the children of the Pattaya Orphanage to arias and musicals.  The Nov. 26 show, more for sponsors and benefactors than the children, began with hors d’oeuvres in the garden.

The show was organized by the Pattaya Classical Music Club while the director of the Human Help Network Thailand, Radchada Chomjinda, made sure the event played out smoothly.

Orphanage Executive Director Rev. Michael Weera Phangrak thanked each performer afterward with a rose.

The Grand Opera will next perform at the Thai Garden Resort on Dec. 24 and 31. Children from the Pattaya Orphanage will entertain guests with songs and dances.

Members of the Grand Opera Thailand gave a great performance at the Pattaya Orphanage on November 26.
Members of the Grand Opera Thailand gave a great performance at the Pattaya Orphanage on November 26.
The big hall at the Orphanage was packed to the rafters.
The big hall at the Orphanage was packed to the rafters.