Dolphins to light up the streets of Pattaya this year


Come the New Year, dolphins will light the way in Pattaya.

As the year winds down, city workers are rushing to install 129 new light poles from North Pattaya to Pratamnak Hill, all of which will be adorned with a dolphin symbol. Many existing street lights will also be refurbished with the city mascot during this multi-million baht city project.

Construction chief Siripan Puangmala said his half-dozen workers will have the job done by the end of January. He said he believes the new dolphin signs will improve the city’s image among tourists.

An artist’s rendering of what the new light poles will look like. An artist’s rendering of what the new light poles will look like.

Crews in 10-wheeled vehicles are digging 129 holes, each 1.2 meters deep to install the new light poles. They will run every 15 meters and be 8 meters tall.