Saunders shoots the lights out at PAGS monthly


PSC golf from the Fairways Golf Society

Tuesday, October 25, Pattaya C.C. – P.A.G.S. Tournament

Once again our monthly P.A.G.S. tournament was very well subscribed with well over one hundred participants turning out.  We were very fortunate with the weather as we only had one short downpour of rain during the event whilst all around us it looked dour. 

The calibre of the golf was of a very high standard with many golfers playing below par (unfortunately yours truly was not one of them).  Husband and wife Bryan and Ning Neal are on fire at the moment, and both won their respective flights today.

A Flight winner Pehr Werngren.A Flight winner Pehr Werngren.

Flight A

1st Pehr Werngren (5) 42pts

2nd Chris Kerr (12) 41pts

3rd Alan Duffas (12) 39pts

Flight B

1st Gary Saunders (15) 43pts

2nd Tom Nystrom (13) 39pts

3rd Joachin (19) 38pts

Flight C

1st Bryan Neal (20) 40pts

2nd Leif Halin (24) 38pts

3rd Lucas 37pts


1st Ning Neal (13) 38pts

2nd Noi Emerson (21) 31pts

Long Putts:  Mark Slinn & Alan Griffiths.

Long Drives:  Sean Harley, Lucas Johansson, Tor Edwards, Richard Line, Noi Emerson.

Near Pins in 3:  Charlie Ayres, Bengt Borg, Richie Hurley.

Near Pins in 2:  Pehr Werngren, Mike Ryder, Goran Petterson, Andy Robinson, Richard Line, Steve Kerr, Dave O’Kane.

Near Pins:  Alan Duffas (2), Tony Dauth, Al Keith, Shabir.

The overall leaders at this stage with only two more venues to come are Gavin Perfect, Jack Bowman, Mikael Anderson, Ning Neal, Noi Emerson and Yuza, all hotly pursued by many others.

Everybody enjoyed the prize giving and great barbecue laid on back at the Fairways club house where the festivities went on well into the night.

Note:  The Fairways Driving Range and Golf Society is situated at the top of Pattaya Klang on Sukhumvit Road.  Anyone wishing to play with us can call into the club house and put their names down on the lists provided or call Scott on 084 389 2379.  Transport provided if required.

Ladies winner Ning Neal.Ladies winner Ning Neal.

B Flight winner Gary Saunders..B Flight winner Gary Saunders..

C Flight winner Bryan Neal.C Flight winner Bryan Neal.