Bangkok Hospital Pattaya gives free dental checkups, sweets to Fountain of Life kids


Children at the Fountain of Life were given free checkups and dental-hygiene advice from Bangkok Hospital Pattaya.

On Sept. 28, Dr. Thasanee Lertutsahakul, Dr. Somdul Munphienkaan, Dr. Pariyaporn Techatheerawat and assistants examined the teeth of dozens of children at the center, then coated those teeth with fluoride.

During the visit, children were given valuable lessons on how to take care of their teeth via music and puppetry.

Fun and games followed the checkups, with nine kids receiving cartoon pillows and sweets from the tooth doctors.

A little guy has his teeth checked by professional doctors from Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. A little guy has his teeth checked by professional doctors from Bangkok Hospital Pattaya.

Two youngsters suck on fluoride coating applicators. Two youngsters suck on fluoride coating applicators.