Stay at home wanted


Dear Hillary,

I am looking for a nice lady to give me company when eating out and who is happy to just stay at home and watch the telly at other times.  At my age (67) I’m not into discos and the like.  A nice stay at home girl is what I need.  What do I do to find one?



Dear Jarvis,

You are not making it easy for yourself, Petal.  With your home buddy watching TV every night, how do you find her?  Not by direct contact, but you will have to rely on word of mouth I think.  You will have to speak to the wives of some of your friends and tell them what you are looking for.  I’m sure they will have an older friend who doesn’t go to discos.  In fact I think you will be swamped by potential stay at homers looking for a nice 67-year old to support them.  Best of luck, but take your time.  Don’t rush off to the TV set with the first one that is suggested!