Paul Ovens “gully washes” his way to victory


PSC Golf from the Three Sisters Bar

Obviously several players forgot their prayers to the weather gods this 10th of August at the Pattaya Country Club. One smart group jumped off at 0600 and got all the way to 18 before the rains began.

The remainder of the field found out what is meant as “a gully washer”. The skies didn’t just open, they parted and dropped tons of water on the course and players. Only eight players of the 16 starters managed to finish the course.

Paul Ovens on the left with Dale Murphy on the right. Paul Ovens on the left with Dale Murphy on the right.

Back at Caddy Shack II the cards were tallied and Paul Ovens came in with a whopping 41 points, followed by Dale Murphy with 38 points. Chasing Dale with 37 points was Bill Thompson. Herbie Ishinaga made a showing as a visitor. Snacks and hot dogs were the fare of the day.