Don the Stalker


Dear Hillary,

I stalked your work place and, when you emerged, agreed, you are indeed a “sight that makes eyes sore.” Not so good at typing but think I got the thought right! You were the one in heels with the beard, right?



Dear Don,

So you are the one we had to get the security to throw out of the office, and I hope the arm wasn’t fractured, but you did carry on a bit. I can vouch for the fact that none of the staff have a beard, though some do need a shave, I will agree. I don’t know who you mistook for me, as I was away all week at an Agony Aunt conference in Bangkok. However, instead of banning you from the area, I have informed security that you can be let in as long as you are carrying a nice cold bottle of Veuve Clicquot. But if VC is too expensive for you, then even a half decent Prosecco will at least get your leg in the door.