Charter establishes new justice departments to combat corruption


BANGKOK, 14 July 2015 – The Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) claims the new constitution will allow the public to directly submit cases to the Office of the Ombudsman or the National Anti-Corruption Committee.

CDC Vice Chairman Chuchai Supawong said the move is part of the new constitution’s efforts to address corruption, by encouraging those who have reason to believe government officials are committing acts of corruption to speak up by filing case requests to the two anti corruption bodies which would then investigate the matter and forward the case to the administrative court.

Mr Chuhcai revealed that the new constitution will establish a department within the administrative court for cases relating to financial and budgetary abuse and a department within the criminal court for cases relating to corruption and malpractice by government officials.

He said the introduction of the two departments, as well as allowing the public to directly file case requests would serve as key mechanisms in combating corruption in the country.