CDC: Changes to Article 65 of draft charter took time due to complex contents


BANGKOK, 2 July 2015 – The Constitution Drafting Committee has offered an explanation for its need to spend several hours changing details of an article of the draft charter.

CDC member Banthoon Setsirote said on Wednesday that the charter drafters have had to spend many hours deliberating Article 64 of the draft Constitution because of the complicated nature of the content that involves technical terms.

Mr. Banthoon said that the discussion took time because such terms as Environmental Impact Assessment, or EIA, and Environmental Health Impact Assessment, or EHIA, had to be explained to all drafters so that they would clearly understand everything.

In addition, the CDC also had to discuss a change to a clause that demands all studies and assessments be performed “independently, neutrally and academically” and touched on a plan to amend related laws to make sure any company hired to perform an assessment will be paid whether or not the report is approved, he said.