Amendment to interim charter passes 1st reading in NLA


BANGKOK, 18 June 2015 – The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has approved in principle the amendment proposals to the 2014 interim constitution submitted by the Cabinet.

The Cabinet proposed a total of 9 sections, which included the stipulation of a public referendum on the new constitution, extending the Constitution Drafting Committee’s time frame of revising the new constitution as well as the disbandment of the National Reform Council after it voted on the new constitution.

The assembly requires at least 110 out of its 220 members to vote to reject the amendment proposals. If the assembly passes the amendments, the Prime Minister will submit them to His Majesty the King for Royal Endorsement.

The NLA voted to pass the first phase of the deliberation process, accepting the amendments in principle by 204 to nothing, with 3 abstentions.

The NLA will then proceed to the next phase, which is the deliberation of the proposals in detail.