Marines plant coral, release clams for Father’s Day


The Royal Thai Marine Corps planted coral and released giant clams off Toey Ngarm Beach in honor of HM the King’s birthday.

Marine Corps commander Rear Adm. Thanakarn Kraikruan led the Nov. 29 event at the Sattahip beach organized to express love, gratitude and loyalty to HM the King and to raise public awareness of the importance of both land and coastal environments.

Top naval brass prepare to release giant clams off Toey Ngarm Beach in honor of HM the King’s birthday.Top naval brass prepare to release giant clams off Toey Ngarm Beach in honor of HM the King’s birthday.

Activities included cleaning the beach, planting coral and releasing giant clams.

Thanakarn said His Majesty long has devoted himself to environmental works and triumphed through all kinds of hardships and difficulties to relieve distress for Thai people. Thus the Marine Corps and other sectors jointly held the activity to commemorate his Dec. 5 birthday.