Thai jasmine rice gain global popularity among consumers

The certification logo for authentic hom mali rice, known as the ‘green logo’, is currently being applied to the packaging of hom mali rice sold abroad to assure buyers they are purchasing genuine hom mali rice that passed official inspection.

Thai rice and especially hom mali rice, also known as jasmine rice or Thai fragrant rice, has seen rising global popularity among consumers. The certification logo for authentic hom mali rice, known as the ‘green logo’, is currently being applied to the packaging of hom mali rice sold abroad to assure buyers they are purchasing genuine hom mali rice that passed official inspection. The Department of Foreign Trade (DFT) is also working to raise greater awareness of the logo.

DFT Director-General Pitak Udomwichaiwat said the program aimed to expand on the quality of Thai rice, using the certification logo, adding that it was implemented in accordance with the Thai rice strategy for the 2020-2024 timeframe. The logo is granted to Thai rice products of 92% hom mali grade that are sold in foreign markets.

Pitak noted that the logo is a registered trademark in 48 countries. Random inspections are also continually carried out on products displaying the logo to safeguard against those of unknown origin with forged logos. The DFT and the Rice Exporters Association of Thailand have discussed developing a database of Thai exporter trademarks to better address the issue.

38 exporters selling a total of 99 brands of rice have so far joined the initiative. Pitak said product tracing can initially be accomplished by visiting the DFT’s website and clicking on the “Thai Hom Mali Rice Certification” banner. This service is being publicized through the Ministry of Commerce, International Trade Promotion offices and Thai embassies abroad. The DFT also aims to implement QR codes for easier product origin tracing in the future. Additionally, the director-general said the department will publicize the tracing initiative in more rice importing countries. (NNT)