Benzene prices drop between 1-3 baht per liter following EPPO resolution


BANGKOK, 29 August 2014 – Good news for all Thais. Benzene prices have dropped in accordance with the Energy Policy and Planning Office’s drive to adjust the oil prices structure.

The EPPO on Thursday resolved to adjust the rates of contribution toward the Oil Fund, imposed on retailed fuels. Under the resolution, benzene 95 price drops by 3 baht 89 satang per liter; gasohol 95 price drops by 2 baht 13 satang a liter; gasohol 91 price drops by 1 baht 70 satang per liter; E20 price drops by 1 baht per liter. E85 price remains the same. The excise on diesel fuels is also slightly raised, making the retail price higher by 14 satang per liter. However, diesel is still to be sold at no more than 30 baht per liter.

PTT and Bangchak gas stations have reduced their pump prices accordingly, since the start of Friday.