Pawin wins Singha Pro-Am

Parichart Boonclai, Executive Director, Advertising and Public Relations of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (left), congratulates Pawin Ingkhapradit, winner of the Singha Pattaya Open 2021 Pro-Am event at Burapha Golf & Resort.

Singha Pattaya Open 2021 on now at Burapha Golf & Resort

Pawin Ingkhapradit claimed victory at the All Thailand Golf Tour – Singha Pattaya Open 2021 Pro-Am on Oct 20.

The Pro-Am was a warm-up for the Singha Pattaya Open 2021, held Oct 21-24 at Burapha Golf & Resort, Chonburi.

The tournament was organized strictly according to safety measures and standards set by the Ministry of Public Health, Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA), and Chonburi province.

The All Thailand Golf Tournament and the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) organized the professional event to promote travel among foreign tourists and golf enthusiasts and build a good image for Thailand as a top-of-mind tourism destination.
No other results for the Pro-Am were provided.