Pattaya Women’s Development Group to offer more vocational training in ‘14


The Pattaya Women’s Development Group will continue its vocational-training workshops for members this year, offering courses in Thai dance, basket-weaving, jar-painting and decoupage.

Group President Naowarat Khakhay welcomed more than 100 members to the first meeting of the year at city hall and introduced new Vice-President Wanna Yutisi.

“Joining the Pattaya Women’s Development Group has given me more knowledge and skills,” Wanna said. “Old Thai society promoted men as the head of the family, but, today, women have larger roles. Therefore, our group has decided to promote Pattaya women to become self-dependent and understand their value.”

Part of that mission has been to offer courses for women to earn extra money in their free time. This year’s curriculum covers traditional Thai dance, making baskets from plastic ropes, painting artificial jars and decoupage.

“Thai folk dance is one activity that we offer for members to learn since this dance’s foundation is a Thai art we should preserve,” Naowarat said. “These activities will help members of Pattaya Women’s Development Group to have the confidence to act and preserve our Thai culture.”

Dates for the courses will be announced later.