Baby whale shark pleads with fishermen to save its life

The young shark whale approaches the fishing boat to show that its fin was entangled with its body and it had difficulty swimming.

A Buddhist monk related this true-to-life emotional incident to a Sattahip based news reporter on May 12.

The monk said that he was given the photographs by a Malaysian sports fisherman who happened to be out on a boat off the coast of Sattahip on that fateful day.

The sailor said that while they were out at sea, a baby whale shark swam close to the boat as if wanting to show them that its fin was entangled with its body by a rope which made it almost impossible to swim and it seemed like the whale shark was pleading with the fishermen to help untangle the life-threatening line from its body.

The fishermen immediately understood the urgency, so they carefully approached the fish and secured a fish hook to the rope that was wound around its body.

The fishermen carefully approached the fish and secured a fish hook to the rope that was wound around its body.
The fisherman used a kitchen knife to carefully cut the rope entwined around the fish and slowly removed it until the fish was totally free.

Once the fish was safely secured, the fisherman used a kitchen knife to carefully cut the rope entwined around the fish and slowly removed it until the fish was totally free.

Having escaped from its near-death experience, the young whale shark did not just swim away, but circled around for a while as if to say “thank you for saving my life” and it also seemed like it was saying goodbye to its benefactors before diving into the depths of the deep blue sea.

The fishermen were overwhelmed with emotion and wanted to tell this touching story to the world.

Having being set free, the whale shark circled around the boat for a while as if to say “thank you for saving my life”.
The freed whale shark bids a fond farewell and swims off into the depths of the deep blue sea.