Billabong Pattaya monthly scramblers card 57


PSC golf from Billabong
Friday, 26th March
Monthly Scramble

In last month’s scramble at Parichat golf course, a record was set for the Billabong’s lowest gross score ever in a Billabong scramble: 57 off the yellow markers. This month’s was off the white tees and also the mark of 57 was scored. Coming in 15 under the card is a remarkable achievement playing off a scratch handicap, what a great score indeed.

With six teams playing we were away right on time for a leisurely day out and with no holdups. This course is a very tough track to take on, but Friday it wasn’t too hard with not much wind or heat to take into account.

The team of Ben Dobbs, Phil Douglas, Tim Nichols and Jack took second prize with a score of 59.3.

The team of Neil Decker, Chris Hart, Chris Brendle and John O’Flynn took the main prize with their net and gross 57.

Next month’s scramble will be held at the Phoenix Gold golf course.