Pattaya prosecutor meets with victims of bank employee scam

Pattaya prosecutors met with 30 victims of a scam perpetrated by former bank assistant manager Chaisit Sappermphool who allegedly used outdated bank books and documents to steal funds transferred by expats from overseas and duped both foreigners and Thais into investing in bogus mutual funds over the past year.

A Pattaya prosecutor met Tuesday with 30 victims of a scam perpetrated by a former bank assistant manager, promising quick prosecution and calling the bank negligent.

Sakda Klairomsai offered little in the way of updates to the case of Chaisit Sappermphool, who allegedly used outdated bank books and documents to steal funds transferred by expats from overseas and duped both foreigners and Thais into investing in bogus mutual funds over the past year.

Sakda promised that authorities will prosecute the case quickly and that any assets purchased with the embezzled funds would be seized so victims might get some of their money back.

Twelve victims filed police complaints Feb. 2, but the number of victims has swelled to 30.

The prosecutor explained that Chaisit is being held without bail at Pattaya Remand Prison and the case is being referred to the Anti-Money Laundering Office. Sakda promised that authorities will prosecute the case quickly and that any assets purchased with the embezzled funds would be seized so victims might get some of their money back.

The bank has disavowed their former assistant manager but not publicly offered to compensate the victims. Sakda, however, squarely pointed the finger at the bank, saying the fraud was a direct result of their negligence.

The victims received little in the way of updates to the case, but were told Chaisit is being held without bail at Pattaya Remand Prison and the case is being referred to the Anti-Money Laundering Office.