Kevin’s home ground advantage in Pattaya

Winner Kevin LaBar being ‘creative’.

PSC Links Golf Society
Tuesday, Jan. 26

On a rare occasion at a golf course in the current climate, we found that we were not alone. Pattavia was quite busy with another society having six groups ahead of our three groups and, as we were leaving, the afternoon Thai groups were arriving.

With no rain for quite a period, we found the fairways drying out, as most courses are, and, therefore, finding plenty of run. It would have been a surprise had we not received information that the greens were slow, well, slow for Pattavia. The missed downhill putt still kept going however, just not as far as usual here.

In July last year (2020) Kevin LaBar scored a hole-in-one at this course. Part of the prize was 200 baht green fee for a year, so he has been finding every opportunity to play here. He can pretty much call this his home ground. It doesn’t always mean a good score will come, but this day it did.

Kevin was in the last group and before he presented the card, no-one had managed to play to handicap. But the day was saved with his good score of 36 points and a first placing.

Mike Tottenham had the lead until then, but held onto second spot with a respectable score of 34 points.

Peter Allen, with his high handicap has been turning in some handy scores recently but just missing out on a placing. Today, 33 points finally earned him third place.

Steve (I never win countbacks) Moxey lost a countback for third, but had the best front nine for non -winners with 19 points. Tony Brown won a countback with 18 points for best back nine.

Winners at Pattavia

1st Place – Kevin LaBar (14) – 36 pts
2nd Place – Mike Tottenham (22) – 34 pts
3rd Place – Peter Allen (33) – 33 pts
Best Front Nine (non winners) – Steve Moxey – 19 pts
Best Back Nine (non winners) – Tony Browne – 18 pts c/back

Golf courses are doing their best to entice and Pattavia gave those taking carts a drinks’ voucher for use at the course.

The weather was warm, with puffy white clouds, although you needed to look hard through the pollution to see them. Intermittent breezes were at times quite gusty but quickly calmed again each time.

It seems that the message about opening lockers and showers hadn’t yet made it to this course as the rooms were locked tight.