Chiang Mai hot with scattered thundershowers this week

Bo Sang Umbrella Village, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Bo Sang Umbrella Village, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Chiang Mai and Northern Part Weather Forecast

Hot with scattered thundershowers and isolated gusty winds mostly in Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lamphun, Lampang, Nan, Phrae, Tak, KamphaengPhet and Sukhothai. Minimum temperature 21-25 °C. Maximum temperature 33-37 °C. Southerly winds 10-20 km/hr.

During 29 Apr – 1 May, hot. Isolated to scattered thunderstorms with isolated gusty wind. Easterly wind 10-20 km/hr.

During 2 – 5 May, hot to very hot with isolated thundershowers mostly in the lower portion. Southwesterly wind 10-30 km/hr. Minimum temperature 21-25°C. Maximum temperature 35 – 40°C.

Chiang Mai 7 days Weather Forecast.
Chiang Mai 7 days Weather Forecast.